Dual Goal, Dueling Aspirations

As the previous sections have emphasized, my two passions in education are youth empowerment and language instruction.
After college, I hope to get involved in organizations that adapt and improve educational resources to support community development. Specifically, I would like to work with youth programs that support middle and high school aged students to identify and achieve their dreams by providing them the resources to realize their capabilities and channel them into productive avenues. Such organizations include after-school programs, summer internship and apprenticeship programs, and peer-advising programs that provide students with a positive influence in their social life. I hope that my work, and the work of others in this field, can lead to a positive change in the life of school children so that they are able to lead engaging, peaceful lives that are full of positive growth experiences and devoid of hopelessness and boredom.
I also hope to continue researching and sharing the importance of learning langauges. Language is a basic medium of communication and often acts as a social glue that holds communities together. Secondly, verbal communication is often one's first opportunity to make an impression on other people and hence plays an important role in social perceptions. Through educating youth and teachers about the importance of language and linguistic abilities, I hope to encourage bilingualism and forge connections between communities that can support each other, rather than being isolated by a linguistic divide.
For most of my life as a student, I believed that I needed to choose between my passion for education and my firm belief in the scientific research behind language instruction and acquisition. However, my college career has helped me realize how both these interests compliment each other. My beliefs on the ideal structure of education and the ideal teaching practices are strongly based on my understanding of psychological research in the field. I hope to continue working in the education sector and sharing this breadth of psychology research about educational practices with fellow educators.