Curriculum Design

"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you" - Fred Devito

This essay charts out the design of a curriculum for online education. My belief in the power of education stems from the fact that it affects the largest demographic of our population. However, often, rural communities miss out on the advantages of school settings. This curriculum design focuses on ensuring that students in rural communities still receive the advantages of a school and a community within a school, without having to travel long distances every day. Designing this project forced me to reflect on the advantages of schooling ooutside of the information taught by a teacher. As a student, it is easy to believe that you could teach yourself information. However, the two-way conversation that occurs in classrooms is almost as important as the information being transmitted itself. One way that this online environment achieved that social aspect was by interrupting instructional videos with questions to provide the testing that students receive in classrooms. Other similar suggestions within this curriculum provide for the many advantages of attending a school.