Education: A Powerful Social Force


My interest in education is founded on my belief that education is the most effective force for youth empowerment. Education is the only social system that affects almost every member of a community, from the minute level of a neighborhood to the larger community of humans across the globe. While social stigmas, impoverishment, diseases, and lack of socio-economic mobility plague most communities in the world, education provides a resource for individuals to fix these problems, instead of escape them. However, these effects are only possible if education is accessible to all members of a community and if the educational practices are effective. These are the issues I address in this section.

This section includes three projects that I have completed in partial fulfillment of my education studies minor. The lesson plans and unit plan for Instructional Communication helped me understand the issues faced at the level of the individual teacher in a classroom. These projects emphasize the need for structure and organization in the planning of the course to ensure that every student in the classroom receives the benefits of a lesson. The virtual learning curriculum for Curriculum Design and Decision-Making offers a solution to the issue of providing education to students in remote areas. This paper introduces creative use of technology to provide remote students with the benefits of a school, ensuring that geographical location does not deter students from receiving quality education. The ethnography researched for Ethnography of Learning Environments focuses on the various factors that affect the success of tutoring programs and how these programs can be tailored to meet the needs of the populations they serve. Once again, this paper focuses on structure of educational programs in order to ensure that no group is left out from the benefits of education. My research on these issues focuses on how to extract the benefits of education from a program and deliver it to the populations that need and deserve it. It is my hope that this research and more work in this field will eventually be able to tap into the empowering effects of education as a social medium. I also hope that modern research and perspectives are more effective at addressing the current issues in education than past reform has been.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein