*http://adkpowderskier.com - Information about what the Adirondack Powder Skier Association stands for, and how to get involved in their cause.
*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TowcYUtC7Fk - Ron Konowitz talking about the sustainability and safey of backcountry ski trails.
*http://www.adkbcski.com/skiing-the-46-adirondack-high-peaks/ - Full interview with Ron Konowitz and his personal experiences skiing in the park.
* http://www.wcsnorthamerica.org/AdminPlus/Docustore.aspx?Command=Core_Download&EntryId=6641.- Use of Whiteface Mountain by Bicknell thrush and other Montane Forest Bird Species
*http://www.adirondackalmanack.com/2014/10/commentary-backcountry-skiers-seek-slmp-amendments.html - Adirondack Almanack article on backcountry skiing and proposed SLMP amendment