Resources Introduction

For my resources I have included both a philosophy component and an education studies component.  My philosophy component is my thesis bibliography, which includes books and journals that I read while preparing to write my thesis.  These works are some of the most interesting things I’ve read because I find the information to be applicable to many different fields, including social sciences, humanities, and education studies.  Shaun Nichols and Joshua Knobe are the two fathers of experimental philosophy, so I have tried to diligently follow their work while following critiques and praises of their findings.  My education studies component is my observation journal that I kept while doing observations for education 350 and that I used to write my final ethnography for the course on the relationship between student motivation and teacher pedagogy.  This journal includes entries from three different educational settings all of which operated out of the BOCES School of Madison-Herkimer County.  I tutored in the GED program, observed and talked to the students in the resource room, and observed in a ninth grade alternative education living environment class.  By examining the relationship between students' goals, motivation, and teacher pedagogy I learned about how important it is for a teacher to adjust her teaching style to the goals of her students.  If a teacher does not motivate the students properly, then the students will lose motivation to cooperate and lose confidence in how he can succeed.  Finally, I have added some of my favorite multimedia resources that I have stumbled upon over the last few years.  I've included useful sites for worksheets where I got many of my third grade geometry resources, but, primarily, these resources are YouTube videos that have been very educational (other country's education systems, including Finland and Japan) and/or inspirational/ thought provoking (Singapore's future schools).

"Education comes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought."
Napoleon Hill