New technology is constantly being developed in the 21st century world in which we live. Educators are always trying to figure out which of these technologies should be integrated into schools and how to do so most effectively. Most schools consider social media technology a distraction in the classroom; sites such as Facebook and even YouTube are blocked from school computers. However, “Future Schools” in Singapore have started to use these technologies on the internet and smart phones in order to engage their students. These teachers have students text in questions from their smart phones. It's hard to address the concerns of 40 students all at once, but by having the students text in questions, the teacher can see what he needs to address and he can make sure everyone is thinking about the subject. Also, some teachers use Facebook as a way to generate discussion. These tactics have proven very successful for these "Future Schools" and is something that should be considered in other industrialized countries as well. I chose to include this piece because technology is something that educators will continually face in the future.
New Technology in Education Speech