After kreplach were established in Germany, it may have dispersed to France by means of contact between Jewish communities (Deutsch10). This means that they must have had a good deal of interaction with each other, and thus the name “kreplach” from the French word “krepish” was created. From there, how the kreplach spread exactly through Europe is unclear. However, it is likely that kreplach simply spread from one Jewish community to another throughout Europe. By 1892 the kreplach made its first appearance in London, spelled creplich in Israel Zangwill’s “Children of the Ghetto”. Then, in America, a recipe for creplech appeared in “The Settlement Cook Book in Milwaukee” in 1901. This makes sense because the first Jews came to America from 1830 to 1840 (Deutsch, 15) during the first main wave of Jewish Immigration from Germany to the United States. Since Germany was a likely place for the birth of the kreplach, it is only natural that the Jews who migrated would bring the kreplach with them to America.

Recipe (“The Settlement Cook Book in Milwaukee”, 1901)
NOODLES (Noodle Dough)
1 egg                                        2/3 cup flour (about)                  1/4 teaspoon salt
Beat egg slightly add salt and enough flour to make a stiff dough. Knead well, let stand 1/2 hour. Roll out very thin and, set aside to dry for an hour or more. It must not be the least bit and not so dry that it will break or be brittle.
Fold into a tight roll or cut into 3 inch strips, placing the all together one on top of another. Now cut these long crosswise into very fine strips or threads. Toss them up lightly with fingers to separate well, and spread them out on the to dry. When thoroughly dry put in covered jars for future use. Drop by handfuls into boiling soup 5 minutes before serving.
Noodle dough                                                                                                         Salt and pepper                        1 lb chopped beef raw                                                     1 egg                                   1/2 teaspoon onion juice
Make “Noodle Dough” page 118. Roll dough thin and cut into 1 1/2 inch squares for Meat Creplech mix rest of the ingredients place a teaspoon on each square and fold in three cornered shape pressing the edges well together. Drop in boiling salted water let cook 15 minutes. Drain in colander place on platter and pour 2 tablespoons hot fat over them with browned onions as a garnish. May be sprinkled with browned cracker crumbs chopped walnuts or ginger bread crumbs.
For Cheese Creplech allow 1 teaspoon of the following mixture for each square Take 1/2 pint cottage cheese rub smooth with a little milk or cream add salt and pepper.
Or if wanted sweet in place of salt and pepper add sugar, grated rind of lemon or cinnamon and stir in a slightly beaten egg