Reconstructed lines of the “schooner” Liberty, from Millar, Early American Ships, 130. Millar reconstructs her dimensions as 48' length on the keel, 41' length on the deck, and with a beam of 14'. Note the “pink” stern he has given her.
"Contemporary view of the Continental Army Schooner Liberty. Detail of a print found by S.H.P. Pell, taken from Howard I. Chapelle, History of the American Sailing Navy, Plate V."
Another drawing based on the Pell print. There is no “pink” stern, but a long tiller. From the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum.
Region of Lake Champlain that Benedict Arnold first planned to defend against the British, Windmill Point is north of Isle La Motte
Drawing of the Liberty by Millar (Early American Ships, 129) from the Pell print. Note the “pink” stern.
All non-map images and captions courtesy of the American War of Independence - At Sea website.